Saturday, April 9, 2011

Paradise Lost- Book Nine

To begin Book Nine of Paradise Lost, Milton introduces that Adam and Eve's fall is the major event in this book.  This story conveys the inner mistakes of all humankind.  I personally enjoyed Milton using such a popular and simple story of Adam and Ever to explain the catastrophe that all human's face, sin.  This flaw commited paved the way for salvation and much redemption.  I was slightly confused why Milton rambled about Adam's stregnth and skills.  He mocked the knights and Middle Age, but made Adam seem as though he was a knightly hero.  Throughout the story Satan wonders around soul-searching.  Milton shows Satan's inner agony of misery.  Milton hints that he argues within himself if he should have remained good.  He becomes jealous of Earth's beauty and plans to get vengeance.  Milton explains how Satan wandered throughout the Garden of Eden searching for the right animal to disguise himself as.  Satan's thoughts in the book became a bit overwhelming and hard to understand.  The main idea of his thoughts were that he was planning to be the evil God of hell.  Through this story Milton continues, like previous writing, portraying the woman as the weaker sex.  Eve only making a few arguments, is tricked by Satan.  Milton tries to show the wreath Adam has made as a symbol of his love for Eve.  While Eve gives Adam the option to sin also, he picks Eve over God.  I enjoyed this story not only because it was fimiliar to me, but because of the important messages it was sending.  The message of do as the Lord tells you, should be applied to our every day journey through life.  This writing also shows the significance of human's downfall to sin.  Paradise on earth was lost for Adam and Eve, but not for all eternity.

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