Thursday, April 21, 2011

“The Reasons that Induced Dr Swift to write a Poem called the Lady’s Dressing Room”

“The Reasons that Induced Dr Swift to write a Poem called the Lady’s Dressing Room” is a comical poem that Lady Mary Montague writes in response to Jonathan Swift’s poem, “The Lady’s Dressing Room”. The poem by Swift was everything but compassionate towards the effort women give to looking the best. It makes sense that people would be offended by "The Lady's Dressing Room", so Lady Montagu published a response, titled "The Reasons that Induced Dr Swift to write a Poem called the Lady's Dressing room". Lady Mary takes Swift to task for his poem. She fights dirty, but considering the demeaning connotation of Swift uses, it seems called for. In her response, Lady Mary; who is an admired writer in her own right, creates a backstory that explains why Swift was angry enough to write "The Lady's Dressing Room." In Montague’s poem, she does everything but hold back on Swift. She bashes Swift and also bashes his good friend, Alexander Pope. To sum things up, Montague says the reason Swift wrote the poem is because he paid a prostitute for intercourse. When he tried to advance the scene, his male parts would not respond and he tried and tried but no response. He asks for his money back and she denies him so he storms out. This poem is extremely hilarious to follow up Swift’s writing. The two must be read together and fully understood because when they are, they can really change a view on English Literature.

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