Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Altar

The Altar written by George Herbert is an emblem poem that represents and speaks of the altar of Christ. This being my first experience with an emblem poem, I really enjoyed how a simple matter of the words taking the form of the topic can render your focus to the subject of the sonnet. Looking at an altar while reading the sonnet helped me visualize the scene created by Herbert. I did find myself slightly confused during the sonnet trying to decide if possibly Herbert is speaking of a true actual altar or speaking about his heart. The beginning of the sonnet almost made me think he was in fact speaking of a concrete form. He refers to scripture and basically says this altar was not built by a workman but was crafted by the Lord. That line made me believe he was referring to the heart as an altar through the sonnet. While I enjoyed the poem as an emblem I enjoyed more the message Herbert was sending. He says he is sacrificing his heart to the Lord. Herbert speaks of a broken heart and admits that he is truly regretful or sorrowful and wants to give his heart to the Lord. He ends by basically saying that he wants to give a great sacrifice to the Lord and that is his heart. He offers his heart “the altar” to the Lord in hopes that the Lord will accept his heart to be the Lords’. Great sonnet with a better message that I enjoyed thoroughly.

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